- 祭日と休日
Trains run on different time table on high days and holidays. 祭日と休日は列車の運行時刻が(平日とは)異なる
high days and holidays 意味
- since some of the major ritual days have been stipulated by law as national holidays , they are often called high days and holidays , combining the two meanings .
- "high cycle fatigue" 意味
- "high damping alloys" 意味
- "high damping steel" 意味
- "high data transmission speed" 意味
- "high day" 意味
- "high decibel" 意味
- "high decorated building" 意味
- "high definition" 意味
- "high definition broadcast" 意味
- "high data transmission speed" 意味
- "high day" 意味
- "high decibel" 意味
- "high decorated building" 意味